Organic Durum Wheat Cappelli (500g)

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Fusilli Senatore Cappelli Probios are made with the ancient variety of semi-whole durum wheat Senatore Cappelli, born in 1915 from the crossbreeding of various native species of durum wheat from the Mediterranean, and named after the Senator of the Kingdom of Italy Luigi Cappelli. Very fragrant, rustic variety and source of fibres, it has a higher protein content than common durum wheat. Today Senatore Cappelli wheat has been rediscovered and is grown in a few privileged areas of Italy. Its characteristics, slow drying and bronze drawing give Fusilli Senatore Cappelli Probios a full-bodied consistency and a strong taste, which brings back the flavors of the past, when the rhythms were those dictated by nature. Packaged in 500g paper box. Discover all formats: Fusilli, Penne, Tortiglioni, Spaghetti, Stelline.

Ingredients : : Cappelli durum WHEAT semolina, organic.



Vendor: Probios
