Title: Discovered Palestine: A Cultural Journey
Date: November 2, 2023
Location: Yasmina Boutique
Description: Yasmina hosted an event that allowed attendees to discover Palestine through various activities, this event was designed for children aged 1 to 10 years. The program included a diverse range of activities:
- A meditation and discussion session.
- Reading of a Palestinian story.
- Performance of national songs and traditional Dabke dance.
- An artistic activity for coloring the Dome of the Rock and Hanzala.
- Assembling a Palestine-themed jigsaw puzzle.
- Playtime.
- A charity bazaar.
During this event, we, as Juthour, provided healthy choice giveaways to children, promoting a culture of good nutrition and well-being. The proceeds from the event supported children in Gaza. It was a day filled with learning and entertainment in an atmosphere of culture and solidarity.