Title: Empowering Lives

Date: 9 October 2023

Description: Juthour was honored under the patronage of His Highness Prince Mired bin Raad bin Zeid Al Hussein, for its collaborative efforts in employing and improving the lives of individuals with specific mental and intellectual needs.

Juthour plays a crucial role in providing essential support and employment opportunities for individuals with special needs. The aim is to seamlessly integrate them as valuable contributors to societal progress. An actively engaged member of "Sana" diligently takes part in the day-to-day operations of Juthour's warehouses, representing a significant and meaningful presence within the community.

"Sana" is a non-governmental organization founded in late 2010 by a group of parents and healthcare professionals. Their collective objective is to enhance the quality of life for individuals with distinct mental and intellectual needs, as well as their families. The primary mission of "Sana" is to assist those with specialized mental and intellectual requirements in overcoming challenges, fostering an environment where they feel embraced by a community that recognizes their needs and empowers them to realize their full potential.


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